Monday, 30 August 2010


What a lovely place to go on holiday.
The architecture is like Disneyland but real.
They are also quite nice to their homeless people, and buskers have people with bubble guns to give them a mystical aura while they sing.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Putting on stupid voices ALL THE TIME

My Mum has a German girl staying with her. (I'm not sure why, I tried to ask the German girl herself but she just started talking about the German A-Level system.)
Anyway, this has made me notice that I put on stupid voices constantly. Not just when I'm doing impressions of somebody, although this is often the case, but just to jazz up my sentences a bit. For example I might say 'Bob can you move up a bit' in an Australian accent for no particular reason, or 'Mum can you pass the salt' in a really deep voice. Whenever I do things like this, the German girl peers at me. She just gives me a good old peer, as if to say 'Why are you talking in that weird voice?'. This makes me feel awkward, so I start putting on my 'awkward' voice, which I normally like to save for one of those situations where a conversation between two of your friends is threatening to escalate into an argument. The 'awkward' voice is very nasal. I think it's meant to be funny but I can't be sure.
Also in my repertoire is the 'best friend' voice, which I like to save for my oldest friend. That's a pretty weird voice, it's very high and makes you sound really thick. But the German girl will probably never hear that voice. She ain't my buddy.
(See? I even do it when I'm typing. That was meant to sound like Samuel L. Jackson.)
(Also I would like to clarify that the German girl is quite nice. I just don't really understand her and she definitely doesn't understand me, so there isn't much of a foundation for a firm friendship there.)

Sunday, 1 August 2010

The Best Cuddly Toy I Have Ever Cuddled

I don't normally go gooey over cuddly toys but oh my god this panda.It is so soft and strokable, and just the right length so you can cradle it, and the soles of its feet are inexplicably red and it just looks so happy.