Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Things I've been enjoying lately

It's been a slightly crappy week. I've finally moved back to Lincolnshire and am failing miserably at getting a job, or even some work experience. I am convinced that I am going to be unemployed forever and will still be living with my parents at the age of 30. For some reason when I imagine this scenario I also have a beard. In addition to this, my whole family is going to Glastonbury and I can't go because my stewarding place was cancelled at the last minute. I also get my exam and essay results today, which I am very nervous about. Oh, woe is me.
Here are some things that have been cheering me up:
Reading: Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs.
I'm only on page 62 of this, but so far it's like a hilarious version of A Child Called It, (if you can possibly imagine that.) It's about a boy whose Mum goes mad and sends him to live with her psychiatrist. Who is more than a bit zany. I don't normally read memoirs because I tend to prefer fiction and sometimes they get a bit miserable for me. I'm not the kind of person who likes reading about people's terrible lives because I'd rather bury my head in the sand and pretend bad things never happen. Actually that's not quite accurate. I think it's just that I prefer not to wallow in the misfortune of others. Anyway, this is a memoir and I really like it, particularly the style it is written in. It's a pretty fast read as well- I managed those 62 pages just last night.
Listening to: Fool's Gold. This band came up on my lastfm and they are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. They are from Los Angeles and the music they play is African-influenced pop. I can't really describe it but it's great. There's absolutely loads of members as well, so their album has a kind of Arcade Fire-y feel to it because there are lots of different layers to the melody and lots of different instruments being played at the same time. My favourite songs are Nadine and Poseidon. Also, one of the two UK tour dates they're playing this summer is Summer Sundae in Leicester, so I am considering going to that now. I have tried to embed the video for Nadine below, hopefully it'll work.

Watching: The World Cup surprisingly, because I never thought I actually liked football. The England matches obviously haven't made me particularly happy, but some of the other ones have been quite interesting. I haven't exactly sat riveted to the TV, but have enjoyed dipping into them now and again. I always thought when I watched football I was just humouring my boyfriend, but it seems as if a secret enjoyment of it has crept up on me.

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